About our Logo

OUR PREVIOUS LOGO depicted tulips to represent the “A”, “W”, “A” of the Antigonish Women’s Association (AWA). The AWA was a separate organization from the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre (AWRC), which supported the goals of the AWRC but was more directly involved in local feminist rabble rousing.
OUR CURRENT LOGO connects to this history, resembling a tulip bud just before it opens. The circles show our work as intersecting, overlapping, and continuous. The coloured sections illustrate the core strengths of our organization. The white spaces suggest our openness to diverse learning and sharing, to question always who is included and who is not. The asymmetry of the design highlights many movements and pathways, as we think critically about multiple issues and take on multiple ways to address those issues all at the same time.

The colours of purple and teal are featured, as they are closely associated with feminism and sexual violence awareness. The font is rounded echoing the circles and the “W” is formed with crossed lines resonating with the intersections in the design.
The logo was created by Mblem Graphic Design in June 2021.